There are a wide range of volunteer opportunities currently available with us at the Volunteer Centre. If you are interested in any of these roles, or further volunteering locally we would love to hear from you.
We pride ourselves on finding the right opportunity for you with us or with the many great charities in Daventry District, so please do consider dropping in to our office for more inspiration.
Happy at Home promotes independent living for older people in the Daventry District through befriends and local events.
A Happy At Home Befriender provides friendship to an elderly person who finds themselves isolated from the local community. This involves a weekly visit to someone in the community at their home and introducing them to our information pack with leaflets which direct them to local activities and resources. It’s a great chance to sit, have a cuppa and a chat where they are the focus for conversation as initially you are likely to be the only person they see in a week.
Event Support Volunteers help tackle isolation in older people in our area by supporting the range of Happy at Home events from our New Street Centre base and beyond. We are always looking for helpful and creative people to help bake cakes, set up rooms, help on-the-day running and come up with ideas for future events.
There are always different and new ways to get involved with Happy at Home. If you have an idea for how you could support the project, please do get in touch with us, drop-in or sign up online.
The Clean and Green Project recruits and engages with people of all ages and is open for everyone to join, including family, friends and employees and those with extra support needs.
As a Clean and Green volunteer you will be invited to take part in community clean up events, litter picking and other environmental initiatives either as a group or an individual. To find out more please do get in touch with us, drop-in or sign up online.
Daventry District Time Bank helps you share and exchange your skills with others.
It is a community mutual help scheme where Time Bank volunteers are rewarded with 'credits' for the skills and time they donate. The credits you earn can then be exchanged for the skills of other Timebankers or donated to others who need them.
The activities and skills donated through the Time Bank can be varied, from help and support such as dog walking, babysitting, book-keeping, gardening and DIY to teaching others a language or musical instrument. So if you are interested in getting to know other people through sharing and learning come give Time Banking a go!
To find out more please do get in touch with us, drop-in or sign up online.
The New Street Cafe provides a warm, welcoming and active cafe environment for older people in a Daventry town centre from 9.30am-12.00pm Monday to Friday.
We welcome individuals who may want to help cook and assist our cafe volunteers day-to-day as well as creating and running health and wellbeing activities. To find out more please do get in touch with us, drop-in or sign up online.
Help to Work project provides free independent support for individuals on their journey towards paid work.
Searching for work can be a frustrating, daunting and lonely experience, especially for individuals who are facing some of the biggest barriers to paid employment. Partner with us to support employability within the community through volunteering with the Help to Work Project. We are looking for a wide range of volunteers to help support the project.
Individual and Work Based Volunteers within the community
Can you help support an individual on their path to finding work by providing mentorships, shared experiences, tips, or simply discussions about your own career experiences? Could you help with mock interviews? We are actively seeking volunteers who can support our project as we work with individuals facing barriers to finding paid employment. Please get in touch as we would love to hear from you.
Please contact us to discuss.
Telephone: 01327 300 614
For more than 30 years we have been specialists in recruiting and supporting Volunteers, and matching them with the right volunteering opportunities. We work with over 200 local charities and not for profit organisations to find and develop volunteering opportunities for everyone, enabling people to use their skills, interests, and available time to help others in their local community.
The range of opportunities is vast, from helping to give children the best start in life with Home-Start Daventry and South Northants, to supporting the activities of the Northamptonshire Association For The Blind and helping out at the Dem Cafe dementia memory sessions or becoming a befriender with the Happy at Home project supporting isolated elderly people.
The best way to find out about local volunteering opportunities is to get in touch with us and have a chat, or to visit the Community Action Northants (CAN) volunteering website where opportunities covering the whole of Northamptonshire can be found Community Action Northants .